Art Deco exhibition at the Cité de l'Architecture
Categories : Exhibition, published on : 12/13/22
The Cité de l'Architecture in Paris presents a new exhibition dedicated to Art Deco, an artistic movement that influenced architecture, fashion, design, and even more !
Art Deco was born in France and quickly spread to North America, influencing the lifestyle and taste of the people. The lines, floral patterns, geometries and symmetries typical of this subtle and elegant style, gradually began to decorate buildings and design pieces, mainly thanks to American architects who trained at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris at the end of the 19th century.
It was this exchange of cultures that created a reciprocal emulation between the two countries. As the century progressed, more and more French architects began to construct buildings in American metropolises, and an American delegation was sent to the 1925 International Exhibition of Decorative and Industrial Arts to analyze this resolutely modern new style.
Through this exhibition, you will be able to retrace the birth and diffusion of Art Deco in architecture, but not only. A unique opportunity to discover a style that radically changed our decorative tastes.
Until March 6, 2023. Open every day of the week, except Tuesday, from 11 am to 7 pm, weekends from 10 am to 7 pm. Nocturne until 10 pm on Thursday.
Photo ©Vcurtinha - Creative Commons