Categories : Exhibition, published on : 9/10/21
For this new season 2021, the Atelier des Lumières proposes two immersive exhibitions on two leading figures in art and architecture: Salvador Dalí and Antoni Gaudí. Through a thematic tour, you will have the opportunity to be transported by the overflowing imagination of these two masters.
The first exhibition features Salvador Dalí. We all know his eccentric personality, his moustaches, his magnificent works of art. This selection will allow you to dive into his fascination for the strange and the supernatural, from his initial research in impressionism and cubism to his mystical and religious evolutions. You will be able to explore Dalí's entire career by admiring some of his most famous works, displayed and animated on the floor and walls of the Atelier des Lumières. The music of the legendary band Pink Floyd will accompany you on this exciting journey into the enigmatic soul of the artist.
The exhibition then returns to Antoni Gaudí, source of inspiration for Salvador Dalí. You will be able to admire his buildings, today classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, proof of how the architect succeeded in giving an artistic form to the abstract. Mouldings, columns, capitals, mosaics, will gradually form on the walls of the studio to the rhythm of the musical curves of Gershwin. A colorful and colossal exhibition, which highlights the audacity and limitless creativity of this architectural genius.
On display until January 2, 2022
Open from Monday to Thursday 10am-6pm / Friday and Saturday: 10am-10pm / Sunday: 10am-7pm
Photo ©Salvador Dali, La persistance de la mémoire, 1931, huile sur toile, 24,10 x 33 cm, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (Donation anonyme 1934), photo : © Bridgeman Images © Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, ADAGP 2021