Candelaria, for trendy tacos
Categories : Eating, Drinking, published on : 5/16/17
The first authentic taqueria in Paris, Candelaria is above all a memorable experience of a kind of hospitality that is driven by a creative community that builds its projects on passion. The passion of its chefs, bartenders, designers, craftsmen and other professionals. Drop in and enjoy tasty, traditional Mexican tacos and an ambience that is intimate and authentic. That’s not all, though, because Candelaria is also a world-class cocktail bar, specialising in agave spirits and offering unexpected combinations that are a credit to the art of mixology, revealing the flavours of fine artisanal products. The motto is live by the sun, love by the moon. Another good reason, if any more were needed, to stop there on the way to the Hotel Fabric.
Just 15 minutes from the Hotel Fabric, 52 rue Saintonge, Paris 3rd arrondissement.
Open Sunday to Wednesday from 12:00 to 23:00 and Thursday to Saturday from 12 noon to midnight.
Photo : Candelaria / Quixotic Projects